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A datenraum overview is an online secure storage and synchronization software application for documente. It permits businesses to keep discussion, review, and collaborate on documents in a secure environment. Investment banks, Private Equity companies and numerous other companies use digital rooms for Due Diligence to gather details, automate the processes and make them more efficient. They’re a benefit to any type of enterprise that relies upon central access and clear reports.

When planning a datenraum review for research, it’s important to establish user groups so the right people may be able to easily edit, view or download documents. This decreases the possibility of sensitive information ending up in the improper hands, which could be a major concern in M&A transactions. End user groups can include advisers, buyers and sellers and lawyers, or maybe additional staff members. The more logically your information rooms are organized the faster clubs will find what they are looking for.

Besides providing an unified graphic overview of all documents, datenraum also supports two-factor authentication to ensure document security and supports SOC 1, HIPAA and GDPR compliance. The software can be incorporated seamlessly into existing IT equipment and is scalable. It also supports drag-and-drop, advanced search and a variety file formats.